Bariloche 4 Days & 3 Nights

Day 1

Arrival in Bariloche

In the afternoon, you can visit the center of Bariloche and then take a cable car to Cerro Otto Tourist Complex, where you can visit the 360° Rotating Confectionery. The exclusive Confectionery rotates in a 360° radius at an almost imperceptible speed, while passengers enjoy some of the various gastronomic options, while marveling at a unique and fascinating view of the entire Nahuel Huapi National Park.

Day 2

Lake Nahuel Huapi – Isla Victoria

In the morning, we will be taking an excursion that takes us on a journey of 60 kilometers through stunning natural landscapes, including the shores of Nahuel Huapi and Moreno lakes.

We will see the iconic Llao Llao Hotel and the charming San Eduardo Chapel. We continue through the Llao Municipal Park, cross the Angostura Bridge where the Moreno and Nahuel Huapi lakes join, and enjoy the view of Bahía López and Cerro Capilla. Then, we arrive at an important Panoramic Point from where you can appreciate the Llao Llao Peninsula and the surrounding lakes. In the afternoon, we will head to Puerto Pañuelo, where we will board a boat to explore Isla Victoria and the Arrayanes forest.

We will arrive at the Quetrihué Peninsula and its forest of centuries-old Arrayanes. This place has about a thousand hectares and is joined to the mainland by a small isthmus, where the town of Villa La Angostura is located. It is in the southern part of this peninsula where the only habitat of the unique species, the Arrayán, survives.

We also make a visit to Isla Victoria, the largest on Lake Nahuel Huapi, very rich in both native and exotic flora and fauna. It has a forest nursery and various paths and viewpoints that allow you to appreciate the beauty of the place.

Day 3

San Martin de los Andes

We will be traveling the Seven Lakes Road, one of the most emblematic routes in the region. From Bariloche, we head north following the course of the Limay River until we reach Villa La Angostura. From there, the road takes us through the shores of the Seven Lakes: Espejo, Correntoso, Escondido, Villarino, Falkner, Machónico, and finally, Lácar, where the charming city of San Martín de los Andes is located. This full-day excursion covers a total of 355 kilometers, crossing two national parks: Nahuel Huapi and Lanín.

Day 4

Villa La Angostura Excursion - Return to Buenos Aires

We will travel by bus to Villa La Angostura to explore this picturesque destination. In this peaceful and harmonious mountain town, you can relax, enjoy beautiful landscapes, taste exquisite cuisine, and immerse yourself in the joy of tourism.

Transfer to the airport, return to Buenos Aires